Ships at Haifa, Israel in Week 12 of 2018.
The following movements are covered by a friend at Haifa, Israel -
Sunday 18th March, 2018.
Sunday 18th March, 2018.
The United States Navy Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ship LHD 7 USS IWO JIMA left Harbour after a 4 Day Visit.
Monday 19th March, 2018.
The French Navy Cassard class Destroyer FS JEAN BART D615 called and assisted by 2 local tugs.
There are 3 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers (TSHDs EDT SIMI, EDT YAM, SHAHAF) involved in dredging to depth and filling (land reclamation) of the new to be Mifratz Harbor.
The 2 small red ones are from EDT of which EDT YAM is a Split TSHD which is mainly suitable for dredging to depth contaminated soil and dumping it approx. 10 km offshore.
There are 3 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers (TSHDs EDT SIMI, EDT YAM, SHAHAF) involved in dredging to depth and filling (land reclamation) of the new to be Mifratz Harbor.
The 2 small red ones are from EDT of which EDT YAM is a Split TSHD which is mainly suitable for dredging to depth contaminated soil and dumping it approx. 10 km offshore.
All Photos by our correspondent Peter Szamosi. Do not use these images without my permission. © All rights reserved. Malta Ship Photos & Action Photos -
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